Basics (Kihon)

Basics (kihon) – As with any skill we learn, we must first start with a solid foundation. Good basics provide you with a solid foundation. From this will stem good kata, good applications, and good fighting skills. Below you will find a good reference to many of the basic techniques you will learn over time. As with any martial art it is about body movement, body mechanics, and understanding the underlying principles of the movement. Above all, practise, practise, practise, and practise some more.

"It is difficult to retain what you may have learned unless you should practise it" Latin Proverb


Stance Meaning Diagram
dachi - stance
heisoku dachi - closed foot stance (attention stance) Diagram coming soon!
musubi dachi - formal attention stance (ready, heels together toes pointing out, used at the start of kata) Diagram coming soon!
heiko dachi - parallel stance (feet shoulder width apart) Diagram coming soon!
hachiji dachi - natural stance (feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly pointing out) Diagram coming soon!
renoji dachi - stand with you feet inline, with your rear foot pointing out at a 45 degree angle (like a tick) Diagram coming soon!
shiko dachi - straddle leg stance (sumo stance) Diagram coming soon!
kiba dachi - horse riding stance
sanchin dachi - hourglass stance, toes slightly pointing in, outsides parallel Diagram coming soon!
han zenkutsu dachi - half front stance (normal fighting stance)
zenkutsu dachi - front stance Diagram coming soon!
kokutsu dachi - back stance
neko ashi dachi - cat stance Diagram coming soon!
sagiashi dachi - heron foot (or tsuruashi (crane foot)) stance (standing on one leg)


Technique Meaning
uke - block (receive)
age uke (jodan) - rising block (upper)
chudan yoko uke - outside forearm block (middle), moving from your centre to the outside
gedan barai - downward block (lower)
hiki uke - pulling/grasping block
shotei uke - palm heel block
chudan uchi uke - inside forearm block (middle), moving from the outside to your centre
ko uke - wrist block
hiji uke - elbow block
hiza uke - knee block
harai uke - sweeping block

Striking – Hand/Arm Techniques

Technique Meaning
uchi - strike
tsuki (- zuki) - punch or strike
uraken uchi - back-knuckle strike
shuto uchi - knife hand strike
nukite uchi - finger strike (thrust)
hiji ate (empi) - elbow strike
shotei zuki - palm-heel thrust
kizami zuki - leading punch, jab
gyaku zuki - reverse punch

Kicks - Leg/Foot Techniques

Technique Meaning
keri (-geri) - kick
mae geri (keage) - front kick (snap)
mae geri (kekomi) - front kick (thrust)
yoko geri - side kick
ushiro geri - back kick
mawashi geri - roundhouse kick
ura mawashi geri - reverse roundhouse kick (or hook kick)
kin geri - groin kick
fumikomi - stomp (or stomping kick)
ashi barai - foot sweep
hiza geri - knee strike


"The more you practise, the luckier you become"