
Welcome to the Goju Ryu Karate Do New Zealand web site. The primary purpose of this site is to bring you information about the study of Goju Ryu Karate. You will find details on where to practise, who to contact, the training syllabus, and everything you need to know to get started and continue your learning journey into martial arts.
So why practise a martial art?
What would you expect to get out of training? We are in a relatively peaceful time and the hand-to-hand combat that our forefathers may have endured is less than we would expect to see. With the prevalent use of the fire arm, having to spend large hours training soldiers to be proficient in the use of hand held weapons has become a thing of the past. So, you may ask: what is a martial art today? Anything you want it to be. We promote a practical, open minded approach to the martial arts and practise to better ourselves. To keep a martial art current, it must have purpose and to have a purpose you must have something meaningful in your mind. Without meaning and purpose you do not have a martial art. Thanks to our founder, Chjun Miyagi, pictured to the right, and the people that followed in his martial ways, our style and the philosophy; to build the mind, body, and spirit to forge a better self; is what we have today and hope to have tomorrow. Enough said, back to the dojo. There is always something to work on.
Our Mission Statement
Goju Ryu teaches us to; condition the body, cultivate the mind, & nurture the spirit.
Some Inspirational Words
Ever wondered what Karate really is, the nature of a Karate-ka, or what it is that keeps someone coming back week after week? Well, you may just find the answer at a dojo near you or here in some articles written by our members. Please have a read, then visit a dojo and see for yourself.
The Nature of a Karate-Ka by Ken RobertsWhat is Karate and where do I see Karate in the future? by Clive Wadham