Word |
Pronunciation / Meaning |
Karate |
/kahrah-teh/ - Empty hand or weapon less art of defence. |
Goju Ryu |
/goe-ju-rruu/ - “go” means hard, “ju” means soft, and “ryu” mean style or school – the hard-soft style. This is the name of our karate style. |
Dojo |
/door-jore/ - “do” means way and “jo” means place – the place where the way is studied. This is the name of your training room (place). |
kata |
/kar-tar/ - Prearranged fighting patterns built up from basic stances, strikes, kicks and blocks. |
kiai |
/key-eye/ - Spirit Shout – this is the concentration and focus of mind, body, and spirit, accompanied by a loud shout. |
budo |
/boo-dore/ - Martial way or path. In times of peace you are adopting a path (way) of spiritual development through armed and unarmed martial training. |
karategi |
/kahrah-teh/ghee/ - Uniform used to train in, which is made up of a jacket and pants. Also referred to as dogi, cloth of the way. |
obi |
/or-bee/ - Belt, coloured depending on your grade. |
bunkai |
/buin-kai/ - Analysis of a kata. Often referred to as applications of a kata. This is the processing of studying the movements of a kata and extracting the fighting techniques. Bunkai is a key part to grading and provides a good insight into an individual's true understanding of a kata. |
Sempai |
/sem-pie/ - Senior student (for example: 1st Dan or 2nd Dan). |
Sensei |
/sen-say/ - Teacher (instructor). Endorsement to instruct. This is an ongoing title, thus 7th Dan Kyoshi could still be referred to as Sensei, in lieu of their full title. Effectively 'sir'. |
Tanto |
/tan-tor/ - Senior in charge of Club. |
Shihan |
/she-harn/ - Senior instructor. Leadership endorsement for those supervising other Dojos and/or instructors and/or looking after the welfare of the organization (in other words: member of the Kanbukai). |
Shusseki Shihan |
/shu-seki-she-harn/ - Cheif Shihan and normally head executive member of the Kanbukai. |
Renshi |
/ren-she/ - Expert level achievement endorsement - mentally, physically, and spiritually. |
Kyoshi |
/kiyo-she/ - Expert level instructor and leadership endorsement. |
Hanshi |
/han-she/ - Master level endorsement - mentally, physically, and spiritually. |
Kanbukai |
/kan-bu-kai/ - Executive council of Shihans, selected by the presiding chairman and head instructor of the organization, to advise and support the active promotion and direction of the organization. Refer to our